Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Been a long time since last post. Lets start with something stupid. So i'm on the bus behind somebody who doesn't seem to know which lane they want to be in at a red light, and this idiot driver opens her door, steps half out of her car, and yells to the bus driver that he's blocking her rear-view mirror.

I'm dead serious.

It's things like this that make me lose faith in people. Others include but are not limited to how you can't have the word "edge" on a video game cover without getting sued, Micheal Atkinson staying purposefully ignorant of any video game (look him up, he's worse than Jack Thompson), commercials over youtube, and not on the side like any nice person, nooooo, on the video you're watching.

It's people like that woman on the road that make me realise that humans can always get dumber than you think they can.

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