Monday, October 19, 2009


Just recently we went to phoenix advertising. It was an interesting place, what surprised me the most was they make (among other things) logos for various places, almost all of which I have seen at one time or another. Most of the logos they make are in the photos above, if you can read them have fun and try to see how many you recognize.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

odd/good games Black Sigil

just a little while ago, I bought a new game, went home to play it, and was blown away by the fact that it doesn't suck! This hit me completly by surprise, as games sucking seems to have become the standard, and anyone who makes a game that doesn't suck has to undergo a lobotomy to be brought down to the norm, see the makers of eternal darkness and too human. So when is it that people lost the idea that games had to be good? Was it when mario received his 37th game? was it when the wii switched over to casual gamers? was it when sony announced they would be harder to develop games for, causing good games too slow to a crawl? Personally I blame franchises. why do people get attached to icons like mario and sonic? If you don't want to play as mario, sonic or any casual game, then you have no choice to go over to the ps3 where almost every single game is some variation of 1st/3rd person shooter, or the 360, which seems to put out games by the truckload, and picking a good one becomes almost hit and miss. Of course black sigil was hit and miss too, but I bought it because it was original enough and not trying to leech off of anything before hand. why can't more games be like this? When did we suddenly run out ideas that we had to keep using things over and over again? let's just ax a franchise after ten or so games, that way we wouldn't have to be faced with crap like f.f. 11/12, any new mario/sonic games, and with all their expansion packs, the metal gear universe would be on the verge of death as well, and then we can make new series and keep ideas fresh.

Friday, October 2, 2009

------ VS -------

Eventually everyone asks a question, it is something that bugs everybody, and that is, can pirates coexist with ninjas? luckily this post is really easy as somebody has already answered this question, just copy past the address and read the text.

don't even think about calling me out on who this guy really is. Any comments on such will be deleted.


Here's the poster we did. I' like to thank all my classmates for providing background entertainment. me and my partner both worked equally in cutting and designing. I did slightly less gluing, but slightly more cutting, which makes us even I guess.